What Barnas’ Beans Collective advocates

Through green beans promotion we support the farmers and their production, and through coffee scouting we create a personalized service with a human face behind it. This mission connects us; to create specialty coffee networks which help bridging the distance between producers and roasters. We aspire to establish a business that reflects our values and ideals. Namely, that the finest coffee bean quality must be accompanied by agro-ecological production on the farms, a series of equitable partnerships with fair payments, and transparent knowledge-exchange. Therefore, we offer our green coffee and tea related services to all specialty stakeholders out there; our aim is to form strong relationships and create community between the people who share our coffee philosophy.

Sustainability efforts for the future of coffee

Good coffee always comes from a healthy farm. Permaculture and agroecological practices are the pinnacle of keeping the soil and the plants alive and well for the upcoming years of production. Farmers are the scientists of nature, their expertise on coffee is immense ranging from organic to circular solutions. To safeguard the future of coffee, we facilitate a knowledge base in the form of articles focused on sustainable coffee production.

Bridging the gap: connecting farmers and roasters

Coffee means community. The closer roasters and baristas are to the reality of farmers, the higher understanding and eventually solidarity they will have towards each other. Part of our effort is capturing life on the farms, conducting interview with farm workers, essentially sharing their stories. In the future, we would like to organise trips to farms for roasters.

Promoting Conscious Consumption

The direction coffee markets are taking depends a lot on the choices of consumers. We are motivated to design specialty coffee workshops and organise holistic coffee ceremonies. These events are accessible for all coffee enthusiasts to spread the knowledge in a digestible way for better and more conscious coffee consumption.

Exploring experimental fermentation and processing techniques

When it comes to coffee, we are motivated the explore the whole spectrum from washed to natural, and everything in-between. Fermentation adds a new dimension to bean processing and opens the possibility for innovative methods, such as thermal shock or co-fermentation with fruits from the farm.

Creating visibility for farmers

We are taking a farmer-focused approach where aim to design projects together with them focused on quality and sustainability. When set up, we will share the progress of the projects which can range from comorehensive re-forestation to experimental fermentation methods.

Focusing on excellent quality and unique coffee lots

Specialty coffee is at its renaissance and quality has never been higher. The benefit of a startup green coffee importer like BBC is that we are in the position to discover special micro-lots. The “golden breadcrumbs”, even on a small scale, could bring tremendeous value to coffee lovers.

We are motivated to exchange our knowledge with farmers, coffee professionals and scientists,

Their help is vital to save the future of coffee production!

Our contribution is to share their insights: